Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My realization

I hate going to the gym. There was one time in my life, when I didn't hate it. I did it Monday thru Friday. I had a routine. Then one day I stopped. My routine outside the gym changed. Now I hate going to the gym again. Except, I don't. I can't possibly hate going to the gym because I haven't been in a long time. I came to the realization with the help of a friend that I need to go back to the gym. Except, I don't want to NEED to go. I want to WANT TO GO. See the difference? Here's the realization I just had. The big epiphany. The moment when I said AHA! I follow a website called Everyday Feminism.. today I read something from it.. it goes like this...

I feel ashamed sometimes of admitting this. I feel weak. But as I read this today.. I couldn't help but feel the author was inside my head when she wrote this. For anyone who is viewing this.. please click on the link and read it. I feel like I'm in a place where I can begin my journey to exercising out of self-love. I feel like the author of the article says, that it will be an inconsistent and tough journey, but I'm okay with that. 

Last week I emailed one of my favorite authors. I told her about how her latest book really spoke to me, but not for the exact reasons it may have spoken to others. In her reply (YES I TOTALLY FANGIRLED WHEN I SAW SHE RESPONDED) she said to me, "You are not a body. You are a soul. And once you value your own soul you will start to take care of the flesh that it's in." I'm going to take the advice of that woman, who is beautiful not only physically, but on the inside as well. My soul has some repairs it needs and it's time I get around to it. So thank you Tarryn Fisher, and thank you Sarah at Everyday Feminism. I hope I can continue on the journey of doing it for my soul and for ME. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Good to be back!

So I had been gone. Anyone notice? Haha

School sucked the life out of me. When I set out to do this, I set out to do it in a way that just didn't work out. I planned something and well, like most of the time when I plan something.

I think originally, I wanted to use this as a platform for me to write about one of my passions. Reading. Holy shit do I love to read. I enjoy getting sucked into a book. When I find a book that is worth being sucked into it's fucking magical. My eyes absorb the words and I become a part of a different world. More often than not, I can read a book in a period of 24 hours or less. I get asked,
"how the hell do you even retain what you read  when you read that fast?!" I JUST HAVE A GOOD MEMORY MMK?

I feel like other than books I have some other random things to write about. I'm doing this again more for me than for anything or anyone else. So those of you who read this and follow this, I hope I can hold myself accountable. This is my first time "blogging" after all.

I think it's safe to say I'll post when I have an itch to speak. That could be once a week, once every two weeks, or once a day. Who knows?