Friday, December 4, 2015

That moment you learn from a kid...

Today was a bit of a rough day.

I woke up with a very congested chest and pain in my throat, but couldn't call in to work because my co-teacher was out due to her little girl being sick.
I forgot my wallet at home and had to skip my morning coffee stop, prompting a sleepy start and headache by 12:00 P.M.
I had a lot of paperwork to do and due to unforeseen circumstances, I couldn't get everything done.
I was in a horrible mood come 3:00 P.M.
I just wanted sleep. I wanted a coffee, my dog, and my bed.

Then I see this video and I get reminded of the best of the worse days.

I had something in the medicine cabinet to soothe my throat.
I have a job that helps pay my bills and take care of my most basic needs.
Coffee is available at any time I need it.
I have a boss that is understanding, patient, and all around great.
I work somewhere I love. With kids I love. And co-workers that are kind, funny, helpful, and all around amazing.
I have a warm bed and a warm dog and an amazing brother that doesn't let me oversleep so that I can nap and still take care of business.

It's easy to forget all the amazing things we have. I am by no means saying that rough days shouldn't be acknowledged or that the emotions that come with them shouldn't be embraced, but what little Zion taught me is that there is something good even in the roughest of times.

Something else I believe, and I didn't necessarily learn this by watching Zion's video, I just know it in my heart of hearts... He's destined for an extraordinary destiny.