Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year! Same Me!

Hola! So it's a new year and so I'm posting a new entry. Realize I haven't posted in weeks and that's mainly due to bad planning, bad blogger, and workschoolhome life.

I want to touch on something about this new year. First, let me start with 2014; because frankly it was a pretty fucking awesome year. I began the year with my friends and family and they brought me lots of good luck and good fortune. I started on a journey of mental clarity, which I'm still on btdubs. Which is why I started to write this entry. Not too long ago, I found a blogger/youtuber/feminist kick ass girl on a page called UpWorthy and I began to follow her on Facebook. She sort of planted this seed in my mind about body acceptance and body positivity. I'll let you guys in on a secret, I'm overweigh (shhhh don't tell others! haha). The seed which she planted has stirred a great amount of thought provoking ideas and with those ideas I decided I wouldn't make any resolutions or promises for this year. I did decide a few things. She started a hashtag which I feel is exceptional and beautiful and lord I love so much that someone out there decided to do this. #NormalizeFat2k15 check it out guys. Tweet it, Facebook it, TUMBLR the shit out of it, Pin the hell out of it. NORMALIZE IT.

1. I decided I would post here at least once a week. It'll be random postings, but hopefully they'll make some sort of difference for others (as they already are for me).
2. One picture a day FOR THE WHOLE FUCKING YEAR. This one is gonna be tough because I rarely keep up with stuff like this. The picture is going to be representative of a word that has positive connotations and will serve to keep me optimistic and hopefully others who see it as well.
3. The biggest decision I have made has been to de-clutter and decontaminate my whole self. This one is the hardest one because I have grown far to accustomed to allowing contaminants into my life.

One of the biggest things I want to do, is to change the image I see when I look at a mirror. I want nothing more than to see a beautiful, intelligent, strong woman. I have been my own worst enemy, critic, hater. But that has got to change. I know love is in my life, but I need this kind of love to come from ME. So this is my BIGGEST GOAL AND CHALLENGE OF 2015. Whatever results come after will be taken in stride and I will know that I did it for myself and not for any one else's approval or acceptance or love. If I stay the size I am now so be it. If I lose weight, good, as long as I know wholly and whole heartedly that it's for MY benefit and that I decided to. I no longer want to be attached to the stigma that being fat is ugly or bad. I no longer wish to change my outer appearance so that I may score a look or two from the opposite sex. It has to be about me, my mind, my health. But above all, I have to love myself at ALL TIMES. This my friends is where I have failed myself for so long. I plan to correct that PRONTO.

I realize my post may not make a whole lot of sense. I'll blame it on the amount of sleep I DIDN'T GET.

I leave you with my first instagram pic of 2015. See y'all next week!

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